Serie A: Lecce caught on the gong by Parma


By: Manu Tournoux

Held in check last week, Lecce intended to take advantage of the reception of Parma to resume its march forward in the championship. As part of this 5th day of Serie A, the residents of the Via del Mare stadium had the better of the visitors for a long time before cracking on the gong (2-2).

Launched by Dorgu (1-0, 32nd), the Puglia club made things difficult for themselves when former Strasbourg player Guilbert left his teammates after being sent off at the start of the second half (47th). A situation that did not benefit Parma, however, who were also reduced to ten men following Cancellieri’s exclusion (58th). With the counters reset to zero, Lecce took cover in extremis. If Krstovic thought they had definitively sealed the hopes of the Gialloblu (2-0, 59th), the latter revived the suspense in added time via Almqvist (2-1, 90th+3) before Hainaut snatched a point from the draw at the very end (2-2, 90th+5). Thus, the two teams left each other back to back at the end of an incredible end to the game.

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