Adrien Rabiot, indignity denounced


By: Manu Tournoux

Adrien Rabiot’s choice to join OM after having trained and played at PSG, does not go down well at all with footballer Alexy Bosetti.

“I don’t have to explain anything to anyone.”. This is how Adrien Rabiot responded to a journalist’s question during his presentation press conference this week. A new recruit for Olympique de Marseille, the former Parisian “titi” said he took responsibility for his choices with serenity. On the side of observers from all sides, the reactions were (and remain) very numerous. The latest, that of Alexy Bosetti, who expressed his incomprehension and all the bad things he thought about Rabiot’s arrival at OM.

Former OGC Nice striker, Bosetti is also an Ultra Niçois and has never been able to conceive of playing for an “enemy” club. In an interview given Saturday to
The Teamwho is now a volunteer with the Imperia club (Italian D4), did not mince his words when discussing the arrival of Adrien Rabiot on the Canebière. “It disgusts me… I’m not saying he has to spend twenty years at the same club, but there is a minimum to respect. (…) A player always has the choice to sign. He can refuse, and Rabiot too. It’s shameful, it’s everything I hate about football.”

“I am disgusted”

Strong words from the thirty-one-year-old striker, who did not stop there, however, suggesting that the signing of Adrien Rabiot at OM even conferred a certain indignity. “I don’t have Rabiot’s qualities, but I would have been much richer if I hadn’t had this dignity. (…) At least I have my head held high when I walk around Nice.” Alexy Bosetti did have a kind word for the former Juventus player: “Watch out, he’s a hell of a player. He’s going to do them some good.”

Asked about another newcomer to OM, his great friend Neal Maupays, Alexy Bosetti had a much harder time answering:
“I prefer not to talk about Neal, because I love him too much as a human being. (…) Seeing him there, I’m disgusted.”

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