Ménès-Roustan, the story ended badly


By: Manu Tournoux

For five years, Didier Roustan and Pierre Ménès worked together on television. For almost twenty years, the two men had not spoken to each other.

Last Wednesday, Didier Roustan passed away at the age of 66, after battling liver cancer for several weeks. Since 1999, the journalist had been working on The TV Teamthe television channel on which Pierre Ménès made his debut the same year. The two sports journalists participated in the same show, called “Finally football”.

For five years, their relationship was not always on the best of terms. “We had some big arguments. I remember a show where he decided to do Thierry Henry and I defended him. He was very angry, he didn’t even want to show the show that was being recorded. He seemed angry with me for reasons that escape me.”testified Pierre Ménès during a tribute paid to his former colleague on his channel

Ménès-Roustan, twenty years without contact

The fragile health of the former star of “Canal Football Club” could have allowed them to reconnect.
“He was really sick, it made me sad. I was about to send him a message and I thought I was as stupid as a whale. Especially since he was capable of replying: ‘Fuck you'”, revealed Didier Roustan during an interview given to Buzz TV in 2022.

Ultimately, the two men never spoke to each other again. “I admit that when I left L’Équipe TV, I no longer had any relationship with Didierconfesses Menes. But I had no anger, no resentment, no reason to speak ill of him. It was obvious that if he had called me when I was sick, I would not have said, ‘Fuck you.’ I would have been happy.”

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