“I’ve never seen anything like it,” the terrible accusations against Mbappé


By: Manu Tournoux

When returning to the dispute between PSG and Kylian Mbappé, Christophe Dugarry smashed the 25-year-old striker.

Christophe Dugarry clearly can’t stand Kylian Mbappé anymore. After having strongly criticized the performances and attitude of the kid from Bondy during the last gathering of the French team, the 98 world champion added another layer this Thursday evening on RMC when discussing the dispute between “Kyk’s” and PSG.

“When I learned that Mbappé was ready to join Liverpool (in the summer of 2022, editor’s note) because he didn’t have this and that or Silva or Lewandowski at PSG or I don’t know what but man you’re a player, you’re a coach, you’re a sporting director, you’re a president, what are you ultimately? I’ve never seen that. It’s unacceptable, I’ve never seen a guy do that. The greatest of the greatest, they were there to play. That’s Mbappé’s problem, he’s lost all the simplicity that made him strong, he thinks about his image, his money, what he’s going to say, what he represents with the Blues etc…”castigated Christophe Dugarry.

Dugarry on Mbappé: “He’s imploding in mid-flight”

And to add: ” He is imploding in mid-flight. He no longer plays football, he no longer thinks about football, he thinks about politics, about giving his opinion, he is lost. You can be the most mature, the most intelligent guy in the world, he can explain to us that no, he was disturbed, he is disturbed and that is normal when you take care of everything except football. He said that we do not talk to me about age so we will talk about his performances and if we talk about that then he must go to the bench and nowhere else because he deserves it.

This Thursday, the LFP legal committee ordered ” Paris Saint-Germain to proceed within eight days with the payment of the salary elements due to Kylian Mbappé Lottin, namely the salaries and ethics bonuses due for the months of April, May and June 2024, as well as the due date of the signing bonus due on February 29, 2024. That is a total of 55 million euros. A sum that PSG refuses to pay, ready to go to the industrial tribunal.

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