The incredible advantages that the Mbappé Law will offer to Real Madrid


By: Manu Tournoux

A new law is being prepared in the Madrid region: the Mbappé law. A project that does not only concern the French striker and that was not designed specifically for him, but it was given his name simply for a question of timing, as was the case for the famous Beckham law at the time. It thus provides tax advantages for the big fortunes settling in the Madrid region in the coming years.

There are certain conditions that must be met, such as having lived abroad for at least five years before settling in Madrid, and demonstrating that certain investments will be made. Criteria that Kylian Mbappé, like other players recruited by Real Madrid, but also by Atlético like Connor Gallagher or Julian Alvarez, will meet without too many problems. In addition, the Bondy player and the stars recruited by Madrid clubs will benefit from tax reductions and should pay between 20 and 25% income tax only, compared to 45% until now.

Huge tax differences

A situation that clearly benefits the clubs of the Community of Madrid. As indicated Relevo in an article devoted to the taxation of Spanish clubs, there will now be major disparities within the Iberian country at this level. Indeed, the newspaper indicates for example that in Catalonia, the wealthy pay up to 50% income tax. A tax that rises to 54% in the Valencia region for example.

In other words, a star recruited abroad by Barça will pay more than double the taxes of a star recruited outside of La Liga by Real Madrid. It is the clubs that pay these charges for the players, and for a player with the same net salary, the Catalan club will pay much more taxes than the Madrid club. Clearly a disadvantage, especially when we know the current situation of FC Barcelona. Suffice to say that Real Madrid will have an even easier time attracting stars in the coming years…

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