Christophe Dugarry blasts PSG for its handling of the Mbappé case


By: Manu Tournoux

Asked about the dispute between Paris Saint-Germain and Kylian Mbappé on the show Rothen s’enflamme on RMC, Christophe Dugarry fired his guns. While the consultant did not fail to tackle the Bondynois’ behavior in recent months, he also sharply criticized the capital club’s management with the French striker, now in Madrid. “I think PSG is responsible, when you’re a club like that, contracts are contracts and you have to respect them, there’s no point in discussing it.”Dugarry first launched.

And to conclude: “You have to stop thinking that you can trust the Mbappé clan, Pierre, Paul, Jacques. Even after the false surprise of saying ‘ah he’s not going to extend the third year’, this optional year, apparently it was obvious that he wasn’t going to do it. That’s what’s horrible, there’s acting on both sides, both clans have served us the soup, all this is just cinema, fake, it’s a football that disgusts you, that annoys you. There was an agreement, the two didn’t respect anything, it’s unbearable”.

Categories PSG

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