“Something shocking”: Mbappé, the big rant


By: Manu Tournoux

The speech given by Kylian Mbappé during the French team’s gathering greatly displeased Johan Micoud.

A gathering to forget for Kylian Mbappé. While he hoped to be forgiven for a Euro 2024 that he himself described as “failed”during the two matches against Italy (1-3) and Belgium (2-0), the captain of the Blues did not shine in the Nations League. Having remained silent against the Nazionale, the French number 10 started on the bench three days later against the Red Devils and did not manage to score after coming into play.

But more than his performances, admittedly insufficient, it is once again his attitude that has been singled out. Consultant for La Chaîne L’Equipe, Johan Micoud did not appreciate the statements of the new Madrid player at the press conference, and in particular this sentence that sticks in his craw: “What people think is the least of my worries.” For him, this statement “show the character”
what is Kylian Mbappé.

“I think it shows the character. It gives an aspect of his personality. That is to say, he arrives in the French team, he has nothing more to prove, so to speak. He arrives, he is there, he is the boss of the team, so: ‘I come, I do and that’s it'”he laments in The Evening Team. And the former French international underlines the difference in behavior of the ex-Parisian when he is at Real Madrid, the club he joined this summer.

Mbappé lit by Micoud

“At Real Madrid he has a completely different attitudenotes Johan Micoud. He’s in the seduction phase so he’s going to be nice to everyone. He’s going to kiss everyone, he’s going to smile all the time. He’s going to go to all the press conferences, he’s going to be super happy, etc. And then, at some point, maybe I’m wrong, but in a year we might see the same attitude he had at the end at PSG.”

“So it shows a little bit of the character of the personcontinues the former Bordeaux midfielder.
There is still something shocking in his thing. He says he has respect for his jersey, the rooster and what it represents… And basically, he doesn’t care about the others! But for me, he doesn’t talk to journalists, he talks to supporters (in his press conferences).” Kylian Mbappé has not helped his case.

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