Labrune accuses live


By: Manu Tournoux

While speaking to the media on Monday just after his re-election as president of the LFP, Vincent Labrune accused some of having mistreated him.

Four years after surprisingly beating Michel Denisot to the post of president of the Professional Football League, Vincent Labrune was re-elected Monday against Cyril Linette. A few minutes after being sworn in for his second term, the leader appeared before the press to say a few words and answer questions. It was also an opportunity for him to target certain journalists.

Without naming them, Vincent Labrune deplored the fact that some of them had targeted him in particular during the campaign. I would like to clarify something about the campaign and then I will not come back to it. It was dense, lively, dynamic, violent. It is undoubtedly a reflection of society which is violent. It is a bit like the political debate that we can observe elsewhere, which is also violent. Personally I regret, on the part of a small minority of you, the excesses and outrages towards me. »

“I was bruised”

The LFP president continued: “(This) does not honour this small part of your profession. I said it, I will not say it again, I was hurt by certain ad hominem remarks, but you have to believe that this is what France is like in 2024. “And Vincent Labrune closed the subject on a more positive note: ”
Now we are all united, all at work. Starting tomorrow morning, we will leave collectively, together and united. »

Opposed to Cyril Linette, Vincent Labrune benefited for his re-election from the massive support of the presidents of Ligue 1, while Ligue 2 had mostly lined up behind his opponent. During his little speech, he also specified that he would lower his own remuneration during his term.

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