Jérôme Rothen tackles PSG for Pernod Ricard


By: Manu Tournoux

The Pernod Ricard-PSG affair is definitely causing a stir. Under popular pressure and that of the mayor of Marseille, Benoît Payan, the spirits brand has finally decided to no longer associate itself with the capital’s club, which is identified with the Phocaean city. If the company’s initial choice seems rather curious, that of PSG is no less surprising. Jérôme Rothen was also offended by it on RMCsaying in passing that he does not understand those in charge of these decisions at the Parisian management.

What’s the next step, are we going to have Pastis 51 on the jersey? There are a lot of people working in sponsorship at PSG, not one of them opposed this collaboration by saying: “be careful, it’s a Marseille brand.” They don’t care and in the end, it’s the Marseille people who backtrack because it’s making a lot of noise. Something is missing here (in Paris). I say bravo to Marseille for backtracking. No Zidane in Paris, no pastis in Paris.»

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