The Sommer, the new tile


By: Manu Tournoux

Back from a knee injury, Eugénie Le Sommer is caught up in a new physical problem before the second match of the Blues at the Olympic Games.

This is one of the black spots of the moment for the French women’s team. Beyond this strange start, with this far from convincing victory against Colombia (3-2), the Blues must manage the health of Eugénie Le Sommer.

Injured in the knee for more than three months, the best scorer in the history of the French team was nevertheless included in the list for these Olympic Games by Hervé Renard. A bet far from losing, since the Lyonnaise managed to enter the game, Thursday evening, for the first steps of the Blues in this competition.

Le Sommer affected in the adductors

But Eugénie Le Sommer is far from being back at 100%. This Friday, she was unable to complete the day’s training session, which essentially consisted of a series of exercises for those who were not starters the day before. It was discomfort in the adductors, an area where she had already felt something at the beginning of the week, which pushed her to return to the locker room.

By “precautionary principle she preferred to stop“, a source close to the Bleues told AFP. For the 35-year-old striker, this start to the Olympic Games is far from going ideally, but the competition is still long. So much the better for Le Sommer.

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