Adrien Rabiot’s big confessions about his future


By: Manu Tournoux

Immersed in the Euro with the French team, Adrien Rabiot will be at the end of his contract at the end of the competition. The Juventus midfielder has not extended his contract with the Old Lady, while the file has been dragging on for many months. Without a club in a few weeks, Adrien Rabiot answered a question from a journalist about his future in Italy. The midfielder is aware that the file is taking time: “I thought my future would be settled before the Euro as I said in March. That’s not the case but it’s not something that worries me. I’m focused on the competition (…). Why wasn’t it settled before the Euro? We were supposed to have discussions with the club when the championship was over. It didn’t happen straight away and then I joined the French team. What I would like, I keep to myself but I’m not worried about my future.”His destiny at the Bianconeri was not tied to any coach.

“Thiago Motta? He’s a great coach, who did great things in Italy. I know him very well, I played 4-5 years with him. He has his career to lead, I have mine. So we’ll see. What he did with Bologna is very good work. For Juventus it’s a very good choice.”, however, he confided at a press conference afterwards. Everything will therefore settle after the European Championship.

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