Arsenal: Patrick Vieira hated Gary Neville


By: Manu Tournoux

The rivalry between Arsenal and Manchester United in the early 2000s was not just sporting. The players from the two teams did not necessarily like each other, like Patrick Vieira and Gary Neville. During a match at Old Trafford in 2005, the Red Devils ended the crazy streak of 49 games without defeat in the league (over two seasons) by beating Arsenal. During the return match at Highbury (former Gunners stadium), Patrick Vieira spoke with Gary Neville, in particular about the treatment of his teammates during the first match.

“The context is: we’re warming up before the match and I’m running down the tunnel at Highbury. I suddenly hear loud noises behind me and Patrick shouts my name.”Neville first recalled on the show The Overlap. “He ran behind me in the tunnel and said, ‘You’re not going to kick our f–king players today,’ or something like that.”he added, before Vieira responded. “During my nine years at Arsenal, I didn’t like you at all. It’s true, I couldn’t stand you at all, because you hit everyone, and especially Robert Pires when he was there.”explained Vieira.

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