Mbappé attacks PSG


By: Manu Tournoux

According to information from L’Équipe, Kylian Mbappé has decided to put PSG on notice in order to recover 100 million euros in unpaid salaries and bonuses.

If he has officially signed his contract with Real Madrid, Kylian Mbappé is still linked to Paris Saint-Germain until June 30. And even once this date has passed, the French striker will always have a somewhat special cord which will keep him connected to his former club. According to information released Saturday evening by The Teamthe Bondynois decided to put PSG on notice, demanding payment of one hundred million euros for unpaid salaries and bonuses.

The story began to turn sour last summer, when Kylian Mbappé sent a letter informing PSG of his intention not to extend and to leave free in June 2024. A letter which brought out Nasser al -Khelaïfi off its hinges and which pushed the Parisian president to ask that his nugget be put in the closet. Faced with the anger and determination of the Qatari, Mbappé then chose to discuss, promising orally to sit on various bonuses (for an amount of fifty-five million euros gross).

The conflict hardens

Everything was back to normal, but at the start of 2024, Nasser al-Khelaïfi learned that his player would be leaving for Real Madrid. And suddenly, Kylian Mbappé’s playing time began to decrease. The situation then began to deteriorate again between the two parties, until PSG stopped paying the salary of its employee (those for April, May and June). And this is what Kylian Mbappé is demanding today, as confirmed by the specialist media.

The newspaper also specified that the two versions of the story were radically opposed depending on whether it was the Mbappé camp or that of PSG which told it. Contacted, the club clarified that discussions were still ongoing. The fact remains that the formal notice has been sent to the Professional Football League and that the conflict is escalating and hardening with the days and weeks that pass.

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