Hanouna, his cash response to Thuram and Mbappé


By: Manu Tournoux

The PAF troublemaker, who has just started a political broadcast on Europe 1, points out inconsistencies in the speeches of Marcus Thuram and Kylian Mbappé.

A few days before the first round of early legislative elections, scheduled for June 30,
Marcus Thuram and Kylian Mbappé took a stand. The two attackers clearly incited to block the National Rally.

Cyril Hanouna raises a form of hypocrisy in the Inter Milan striker. Marcus Thuram, which plays in the country where Giorgia Meloni is the Prime Minister, we have not heard it in Italy. He could have said something. Whether he says that we must block the National Rally, I am sorry if he has this speech. He must also say that we must block the Popular Front. For me, there are no double standards”denounced the television host in “Morandini Live” on

Thuram and Mbappé overshadowed the far left

The PAF troublemaker criticizes the two players for wanting to block the extremes, without mentioning the extreme left.
” What does it mean ? This means that anti-Semitism is okay, it’s not too serious. There is still the NPA which is in the Popular Front. Do you realize Philippe Poutou’s statements after the terrorist attacks? When Marcus Thuram says ‘We are blocking the National Rally’, he must say ‘We are blocking the Popular Front'”believes the one who is nicknamed “Baba”.

Cyril Hanouna ended the TPMP season on C8 last Thursday. Since Monday, he has taken charge of a radio show, on
Europe 1devoted to political news.

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