EdF: Ousmane Dembélé reveals the qualities of captain Mbappé


By: Manu Tournoux

Ousmane Dembélé is one of the players who has worked with Kylian Mbappé the most. The former FC Barcelona resident spent a season with him at Paris Saint-Germain and the two men have played together in the French team for several years. And obviously, Dembélé likes Captain Mbappé.

“He’s a good captain. He’s a leader. He gives voice. He doesn’t hide. He tries to put the group in good spirits too. He and Grizi and Giroud also give voice to young people in particular who do not know the major competitions. He is a leader of men. After the flaws, I keep them to myself otherwise it will get people talking (laughs)”he confided at a press conference.

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