Genoa: Albert Guðmundsson risks a year in prison for sexual assault


By: Manu Tournoux

A scandal is about to befall the Genoa club and its most precious nugget: Albert Guðmundsson, the Icelandic striker, who has attracted all the attention in recent months since he has been targeted by several major clubs including Inter. News of the player’s indictment for alleged sexual harassment comes from Iceland. The story is already known and dates back to last summer when, according to the prosecution, Guðmundsson took sexual advantage of a woman he had met in a club in Reykjavik. The investigation, which began in August, initially concluded two months ago and the case was closed. The alleged victim, however, appealed and obtained from the public prosecutor not only the reopening of the case, but also the appearance of the player before the Reykjavik court next fall.

The risk if Guðmundsson is convicted is very high. Indeed, for this type of crime, Icelandic justice provides for prison sentences ranging from a minimum of 12 months to a maximum of 16 years. Article 194 of the Icelandic General Penal Code regarding sexual offenses states: “Anyone who has sexual intercourse or other sexual relations with any person without their consent is guilty of rape and shall be punished with imprisonment for a minimum of one year and a maximum of 16 years”. Thus, according to the law, the Genoa player could risk at least a year in prison if he was indeed guilty of harassment against the woman who denounced him almost a year ago. He had also been excluded from the Icelandic national team, given that, according to the rules of the Federation, he cannot train or participate in matches with the rest of the team while a investigation into him is ongoing.

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