OL: Matic, it’s confirmed


By: Manu Tournoux

Visiting a press conference this Friday, Nemanja Matic explained the reasons for his departure from Stade Rennais.

A little over a month after his arrival at Olympique Lyonnais, Nemanja Matic was at a press conference this Friday, ahead of the match against Lens on Sunday. The Serbian midfielder, excellent since his arrival at Les Gones, confirmed the reasons for his early departure from Stade Rennais, where he arrived last summer.

Matic assures that he loved his experience in Rennes, “a fantastic club”on which he cannot “say nothing negative”. But the former Chelsea and Manchester United player explained that he needed to find a bigger city for his children’s schooling.

Family first

“In football terms it was only positive. The only problem is that I have three children and they are used to going to an international English-medium school. We couldn’t find that in Rennes, that was the only problem.”explains Matic.

“As a professional, I cannot be 100% focused if my children are not happy and are not acclimatizing well, he added, in comments reported by RMC. That was the only problem although for me it was a big problem because we agreed that family comes first. »

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