Vitor Roque failed two Premier League big names for Barça


By: Manu Tournoux

His first steps with FC Barcelona were highly scrutinized. Author of 38 minutes of play under the colors of Barça, Vitor Roque was unable to prove decisive under his new colors in two matches. A situation far from alarming for the 18-year-old striker who is taking his first steps in Europe after his departure from Athletico PR. But while he is considered the future of the Blaugrana club, El Tigrinho was very popular before Barça put 45 million on him to enlist him.

Indeed, according to information relayed by Sport, Manchester City would have made a higher offer to the player but the latter politely declined this proposal while he was determined to sign with FC Barcelona. According to the Catalan media, Manchester United were also in the running except that the player never imagined himself in the Red Devils tunic. A link for FC Barcelona which must necessarily delight Catalan supporters.

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