Emmanuel Petit breaks down and threatens to leave RMC


By: Manu Tournoux

On the airwaves of RMC, this Friday evening, Emmanuel Petit gave a huge rant against the Super League.

The announcement had the effect of a bomb. In a statement published Thursday, the Court of Justice of the European Union indicated that the rules imposed by FIFA and UEFA regarding the creation of competitions are contrary to European Union law, thus opening the door to development of the Super League. In the process, the A22 Sports group submitted a proposal for a new European tournament which would include 64 clubs divided into 3 leagues. A project supported in particular by Real Madrid and FC Barcelona, ​​but not by Emmanuel Petit, who says he is ready to stop all his activities in football if this Super League were to see the light of day.

“Stop only thinking about your face”

“You talk to me about a closed League with the Super League but they already have it with the Champions League since the formats have been constantly manipulated to consolidate dominant positionsindicated the former French international. (…) It’s 2023, have you seen the shit in the world? Don’t you want to stop thinking about your face all the time?! Football is not yours. There is no monopoly, football belongs to everyone. We talk about the richest clubs in the world but they always want more and never question their management! Stop only thinking about yourself. »

“I am stopping all my football activities”

And Manu Petit continues his rant: “I hope they put this project together to see how ridiculous it gets. I wish them good luck in facing the revolt of their supporters and in trying to create these three leagues with 64 clubs. 64 clubs? I say it, if that happens, I will stop having any direct or distant link with football. Already I haven’t recognized myself at all in the world of football for a while, but if it goes in this direction, it’s over, I no longer watch a football match, I stop all my football activities. » The message got across well.

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