A French world champion hits Cherki!


By: Manu Tournoux

A former French international made very vehement remarks against Lyon star Rayan Cherki.

Rayan Cherki, the OL midfielder, continues to take credit for the dilettante side he displays in each of his outings with Les Gones. Thursday evening, the international hopeful was entitled to a serious adjustment from a former French international.

“Cherki cannot analyze and think”

It was Christophe Dugarry who attacked the young Lyon player. The 1998 world champion did not question his footballing qualities, but rather his mental abilities. Following in the footsteps of Daniel Riolo, he felt that Cherki was not intelligent enough to be able to correct his faults.

“Does this boy have all his mental faculties? When it’s been months and months since you’ve been unable to change the way you play and you’re reproducing the same stupidities, the same mistakes and the same ridiculous way of playing football game after game, I wonder if the kid has all his faculties to analyze and reflect. And who are the people around him? There’s no one around to tell him what’s going on.”said a very angry Duga during an intervention on the show Rothen bursts into flames.

Cherki found a place in the Lyon eleven following the departure of Fabio Grosso. This did not allow him to get back on track. On the contrary, the more time passes, the more disappointing he appears on the pitch. “What do we need to do to get this boy to change his attitude?” Yesterday’s game was even worse than anything he’s played since the start of the season. It’s distressing. All questions about his mentality are legitimate”confirmed Dugarry.

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