New clash at OL! Terrible revelations about the players


By: Manu Tournoux

The catastrophic sporting situation at Olympique Lyonnais has considerably impacted the atmosphere within the group.

Red lantern in Ligue 1 as winter approaches, Olympique Lyonnais is on the brink of collapse. The Rhone club has changed coach for the second time since the start of this 2023-24 financial year. On Thursday, OL in fact formalized the sidelining of Fabio Grosso. Like Laurent Blanc before him, the Italian technician, who will be replaced immediately by Pierre Sage, no longer had the resources to rectify the situation.

A specific anecdote illustrates this observation. In this Friday’s edition, the newspaper L’Equipe reveals the details of a very virulent exchange between Grosso and his players. A discussion which would have taken place last Monday, the day after yet another poor performance against Lille at Groupama Stadium (0-2).

OL: a virulent exchange after the defeat against Lille

Fabio Grosso would then have taken the initiative of presenting his players with a fait accompli and asking them to go see John Textor to demand his dismissal if they believed that he was solely responsible for this catastrophic situation. “ If you think it’s me, go to Textor and tell him to fire me, but you have to have the balls to tell me to my face first. I think it’s our common fault but if you don’t agree with that, go see Textor. I just ask you to tell me first », would have blurted out the 2006 world champion.

A speech which would have further accentuated the rift between Grosso and his group.

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