Bruno Genesio gives his response to OL


By: Manu Tournoux

Expected to become the new coach of OL, Bruno Genesio has just shared his position with the Rhone leaders.

OL chose to fire Fabio Grosso after a 76-day mandate. To fill the interim role, management has relied on the head of the training center, Pierre Sage. However, the latter is not sure of remaining in his position for more than two matches. John Textor wants a flashier name for this responsibility. And the Bruno Genesio option is one of those being explored.

Genesio ready to dive again

Having left Rennes around ten days ago, following a setback against OL, Genesio would be ready to return to action. This is what L’Equipe reports in today’s edition. Even if he was marked by his experience in Brittany, he would not be against the idea of ​​making a second stint at the head of his favorite club. The one he arrived in at 6 years old and where he experienced all the impossible missions.

As a coach, he was not favored by the supporters. But, its results clearly speak in its favor. With him, OL respectively finished 2e4e3e and 3e from 2016 to 2019. Compared to the current period where the team was languishing in the bottom of the rankings, it was the club’s golden period. His appointment would therefore not be inappropriate, quite the contrary.

The ball is therefore in Textor’s court. The American businessman would hesitate for the moment to entrust the reins of Les Gones to this veteran of the house. He explores other solutions but these are not legion. The candidates are not rushing to take over a big name in the middle of a crisis. The names of Tudor and Sampaoli have been put forward in the media but these rumors have no basis.

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