Lyon dent the LFP


By: Manu Tournoux

OL confirmed on Friday their anger at the decision to play the match against OM in Marseille, after the serious incidents of October 29.

The Lyon leaders did not let up. The day after the decision of the Professional Football League (LFP), via the competitions commission, to have OM-OL replay in Marseille, Vincent Ponsot (photo) repeated the position in this file of the bottom of the Ligue 1 ranking ( with a game late).

In my opinion, the disciplinary committee made a political decision, with an element that I can understand in relation to the League which is – It’s outside the stadium so we’re not competent,” the OL football director said on Friday in front of journalists, quoted by the Rhône club website.

But Vincent Ponsot recalls that “ the old article 129 of the general regulations says that all clubs are responsible for the behavior of their supporters. This created objective liability to the detriment of the clubs. »

“It was the Marseille supporters who generated this”

This principle does not speak of territoriality inside or outside the stadium. He just makes the link between a club and its supporters”, he insists. The OL bus was indeed attacked on October 29, hundreds of meters from the Vélodrome stadium, but by Marseille supporters, argues the Lyon leader.

We don’t want a sporting sanction against OM because the players have nothing to do with it. It was the Marseille supporters who generated this. We know it. Two Fanatics have been placed in immediate arraignment »details Vincent Ponsot.

OL confirmed its desire to appeal the LFP’s decision and requested that the match of the 10th day of Ligue 1rescheduled for Wednesday December 6, takes place on neutral ground.

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