Thunderbolt in Rennes! Strong decision for the future of Genesio


By: Manu Tournoux

The situation of Bruno Genesio is fueling the news at Stade Rennais, after the Breton club’s very mixed start to the season.

If Stade Rennais can rely on a certain stability in comparison with teams like Paris Saint-Germain, Olympique de Marseille or Olympique Lyonnais, the very mixed results of the Breton club since the start of the season have challenged the direction.

Last summer, Florian Maurice, sporting director of the club, clearly set the top 4, synonymous with qualification for the Champions League, as the objective for this season: “ The idea is to do much better than last year, with the podium, the Champions League, the leader said in comments given to TV Rennes. We must have important objectives. Obviously, it can put additional pressure on the group, but we want that, we always want it. Afterwards, we must not forget that there are other clubs who are working, who will have a transfer window and it will be a fight. But we can consider that today Stade Rennais must have this ambition.”

Rennes makes a strong choice for the future of Genesio

The fact remains that despite a more positive record in the European Cup, Rennes is far from its initial objectives on the domestic scene for the moment. Stuck in the soft underbelly of the ranking, the Breton club has had a series of poor performances in Ligue 1. A disappointing record which does not yet call Bruno Genesio into question in the eyes of its management. According to information from Ouest France, the French technician would not be threatened, despite this very mixed first part of the exercise. Rennes leaders believe that Genesio remains the right man to turn things around. The former OL coach should keep his position at least until the end of the season, including in the event of a defeat against his ex-club on Sunday.

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