Skriniar humiliated by former PSG defender


By: Manu Tournoux

A former PSG player has been very critical of Slovakian center back Milan Skriniar.

luArrived in Paris during the summer to become the new boss of the defense, Milan Skriniar is for the moment adapting as best he can to his new team. His performance isn’t disappointing, but he’s not convincing either. We have the right to expect much more from him given the price it cost. This was highlighted in particular by a former player of the Parisian team.

“Skriniar?” It’s too borrowed”

Grégory Paisley, who passed through Paris between 1996 and 2001, believes that the former interior player is currently one of the weak links in the Ile-de-France team. “I’m a little mixed to the extent that I’ve seen him perform better in a different context with a three-way defense which gives him more security in the recovery or in his way of defending. There, I really feel he is borrowed when he has the ball,” he declared in an interview with Le Parisien.

photo credit: Panoramic

Paisley doesn’t see just one fault in the Slovak international: “Restarting is not his primary quality, but he was capable of breaking the lines and extending the play with precision. In Paris, I also find it awkward in his supports, when he has to turn around. The fact that it is aligned in the left axis doesn’t help either. I am also mixed about his way of defending.”

The one who comments on Serie A matches on BeIn Sports still wanted to look for mitigating circumstances for the Parisian defector. And he was careful not to condemn it completely: “Is this due to his injury?” It’s possible. But it is better to be patient, we will know during the second part of the season. He will use his first months for adaptation, we will see the real Skriniar after the December break. He had to digest a lot of changes, he had to adapt to a new system, a new championship. Let’s give him some more time. »

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