Marseille-Lyon: “They were there to fight”, the chilling story of a driver


By: Manu Tournoux

The driver of one of the Rhone supporters’ buses spoke about the events which shook La Canebière on Sunday, during the OM-OL match.

The Marseille city was the scene of an unfortunate incident this Sunday. Indeed, shortly before the long-awaited Olympico between Marseille and Lyon, at the end of the 10th day of Ligue 1, the OL bus – just like the buses of some of their supporters – was the subject of stones. .

“I felt insecure”

Two victims were counted: Rhone coach Fabio Grosso and his assistant Raffaele Longo. Injured in the face, the Italian technician received twelve stitches. Questioned about these attacks, one of the drivers of a group of Lyon fans gave his version of the facts.

“I was scared, he declared to RMC. Everything went well until the arrival near the Vélodrome stadium. The first buses were pelted with stones and homemade rockets. The windows of these buses exploded. The CRS told us to speed up. There were supporters on the right, on the left. The police were overwhelmed. I felt insecure. They were there to fight. Despite police protection, there are still five buses whose windows have exploded”said the victim.

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