Daniel Riolo names the real culprit at OL


By: Manu Tournoux

The famous journalist took advantage of OL’s defeat against Clermont to attack the Olympian boss.

Defeated on Sunday by Clermont (1-2), OL are dead last in the ranking. And this situation upsets Daniel Riolo.

And the very notorious consultant took advantage of his air time to designate the one who, according to him, is the real culprit in this inextricable situation for the Rhone team after this umpteenth setback. John Textor is invited to the dock.

“These are the kind of matches we had to win. The supporters were with us throughout the evening. We showed too many qualities compared to the result we got. And we are not where we should be (…) Yes, of course I worry. Here we are talking about relegation. There is no risk of us being relegated, but we could have a mediocre season”indicated the boss of OL on Sunday evening, at the microphone ofAmazon Prime.

In L’After Foot on RMCRiolo did not hold back: “Has it ever happened to you in your professional life that you had a guy who was supposed to be your boss and when he showed up, just by the look of it, you knew it was dead? »he first mocked.

“Because there is a gap, something that does not fit, as if there was an inadequacy between the environment in which he must evolve and him, an incompatibility. People may say that it’s very superficial to say that but I completely agree. Plus, the way he speaks, it’s not possible, it won’t work. It’s a casting error, he’s not where he should be, he’s lost. It is a freshwater fish in the sea, a forest animal in the jungle. There’s a problem, it’s not there.”thundered the consultant again.

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