Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Shon Weissmann absent against Osasuna after receiving death threats


By: Manu Tournoux

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is crystallizing all the attention and tensions at the moment. Even if silence is often the solution favored by most football players, some do not hesitate to take a position on this conflict in the face of which it is difficult to turn a blind eye. Thus, Youcef Atal and Karim Benzema caused an outcry in France for having, more or less, clumsily expressed themselves on this conflict which is causing reactions from everywhere. In Spain, the opinions of certain players are less talked about. However, Shon Weissman, the only Israeli player on the other side of the Pyrenees, did not hesitate to speak out in favor of his country in this conflict.

A position which earned him several threats. This Friday, Granada traveled to Osasuna. A trip that will take place without Shon Weissman. La Liga’s only Israeli player remained in Granada due to threats from Basque far-left group Indar Gorri. This party published on its social networks an image of a “forbidden” sign with the face of the Granada player and the slogan “Weissman out”. For these reasons, the 27-year-old striker did not make the trip to the Basque country and remained in Granada this Friday.

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