Benzema, thunderclap in sight


By: Nicolas Gerbault

Implicated by Gérald Darmanin, who accused him of having a “notorious link” with the Muslim Brotherhood, Karim Benzema is determined to file a complaint against the Minister of the Interior.

Karim Benzema is in turmoil. Consequence of recent remarks made against him by Gérald Darmanin. “Mr. Benzema is, as we all know, notoriously linked to the Muslim Brotherhood…” thus attacked the Minister of the Interior on television, his entourage specifying in the process: “For several years, we have noted a slow drift in Karim Benzema’s positions towards a harsh, rigorous Islam, characteristic of the Brotherhood ideology consisting of disseminating Islamic norms in different spaces of society, particularly in sport. »

These comments provoked strong reactions. And while some have since not hesitated to demand that his Ballon d’Or be withdrawn and that he be stripped of his French nationality, the former Madrilenian responded through his lawyer. “This is absolutely false”launched Me Hugues Viguier at the microphone of Appoline Matin on RMC, adding: “The word (notorious) is a bad choice because no one had ever heard of it. Karim Benzema could confirm it himself, he has no link, either remotely or directly, with the Muslim Brotherhood, it is unimaginable what was said. »

Mr Darmanin does not substantiate, he describes a part which would have become more observant. What is absolutely incredible is that the first police officer in France is capable of making such comments without verification. It is unacceptable “he added before confirming that he wanted to file a complaint. “I’m thinking about this law on false information. This is false information and we don’t do that lightly when we are Minister of the Interior.” he explained, specifying: “In the field of defamation, this is a difficulty. There is an extraordinary aspect: that he has the Muslim Brotherhood association in France banned and declared terrorist, as it is banned in other countries.”

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