“Inadmissible”, surreal scene and astonishing declaration by Deschamps


By: Nicolas Gerbault

The coach of the France team took the stage after the victory against Scotland on Tuesday (4-1).

Didier Deschamps may repeat over and over again that he does not inquire about comments in the press, but the coach of the France team keeps an attentive ear to the evaluations that concern his players. The scene that took place Tuesday evening at the microphone of La Chaîne L’Équipe is the perfect illustration of this.

The set of the show “L’Équipe du Soir” evaluated the players of the France team. The journalists and consultants present then focused on Eduardo Camavinga’s performance. It was at this moment that the channel’s correspondent, Bertrand Latour, spoke to explain that he would give the Madrilenian a score of 3/10 following his error at the start of the match. A vision which upset Didier Deschamps.

“It’s normal that you are paid so little”

What right do we have to put a 3? It is unacceptable“, launched Deschamps, appearing alongside the journalist. “ How much do I pay him? A 5. You are too harsh. He made a mistake which conditioned him for the next ten or fifteen minutes, but from the moment we equalized and took the lead. After that, he was more in tune with what he can do. But you remember his error, which is an error… The error is worth 3, not his match. But it’s not me who puts the notes. »

Indulgence is the beginning of weakness,” Bertrand Latour blurted out to the coach, whose response erupted. “It’s normal that you are paid so little so (…) You shouldn’t take away the merit of watching the matches and knowing the players, that’s not the case for everyone“. A friendly exchange which made the columnists present on the set of the TV show smile.

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