Mehdi Benatia back at OM!


By: Manu Tournoux

The former Moroccan footballer is preparing to make his big comeback at Olympique de Marseille.

Olympique de Marseille has just separated from its sports director, Javier Ribalta. However, the position in question should not remain vacant for too long. A veteran of the house is expected to move there in the coming days.

Longoria knows Benatia very well

According to RMC Sport, OM will bet on their former full-back Mehdi Benatia. Having just retired, the Moroccan has a very good network in the world of football, with a fairly extensive address book. He knows the local environment and also has the advantage of speaking several languages.

If Pablo Longoria is ready to offer his chance to Benatia it is also because he knows him very well. Both men were at Juventus at the same time. They like each other and their future collaboration, if it does not come naturally, responds to a certain logic. The tandem has a good chance of working.

Benatia is a pure product of OM. However, at the professional level, he failed to break through with the Phocaeans. After finishing his training, he had to join the lower tier teams (Tours and Lorient) before trying his luck abroad. There is a taste of unfinished business and by taking over the position of sporting director, he could possibly remedy this lack. To be continued.

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