Naples: Rudi Garcia reveals his truths on the thorny Tiktok affair on Victor Osimhen


By: Manu Tournoux

Victor Osimhen had a rather mixed last few hours. On Tuesday, Naples’ official Tiktok account published a mocking video of their striker missing the penalty against Bologna last weekend. This meeting had already made the headlines of the Italian press since the Nigerian had made a gesture of humor towards his coach, Rudi Garcia, who had made him leave at the end of the match. The two men explained themselves and the case is closed. But the story of Tiktok did not stop there. In the wake of this publication on social networks, the attacker’s agent, Roberto Calenda, reacted denouncing this video and threatening to file a complaint against Napoli.

“What happened today on the official Napoli profile on the TikTok network is unacceptable. A video mocking Victor was first published and then, belatedly, deleted. A serious fact which causes very serious damage to the player and adds to the treatment that the player has suffered in recent times between media trials and fake news. We reserve the right to initiate legal proceedings and any useful initiative to protect Victor Osimhen., released the impresario from his Twitter account. The scene became ever more surreal when the next day, upon his arrival at the players’ hotel, Osimhen knowingly ignored his teammates, and deleted his last photos on his Instagram account with the azzurro jersey.

Osimhen’s funny evening

The tension is palpable in Naples. Fortunately, the club found its way to victory yesterday when it hosted Udinese (4-1) after two draws and a defeat in Serie A, and the former Lille player returned to the goal following a series of four games. without marking. Under the applause of the public, he did not want to celebrate, even if his teammates warmly congratulated him. This affair will leave traces for the future and it seems complicated today to see it prolonged, where everything seemed to have been settled since the summer. It is now up to Rudi Garcia to take over and caress his player in the right direction. The cuddle therapy started yesterday after the meeting.

“I complimented himexplains the coach firstly on the microphone of Sky Sport Italia. I have had an excellent relationship with Victor since my arrival and I am happy because he scored tonight (yesterday, editor’s note) and a center forward always wants to score. He too had no luck between the posts and the crossbars in the last few games, but he was calm and focused on the game. He also made an assist as he was the one who had to take the penalty but he left it to Zielinski to shoot it.” Obviously, the tensions between the coach and his player are behind them but Tiktok is still very much present in people’s minds.

Garcia wants to turn the page

“In Bologna we were all frustrated and angry not to have won, he even more so to have missed the penalty. It can happen, then we clarified all that and it’s a return to sporting normalityrewinds the former OM and OL technician. Then there were two days of downtime due to awkward episodes. Nobody wanted to do any harm, neither with the video nor with Victor on social networks. These are also instinctive reactions, you can understand that. On social networks (compared to the deleted photos with the Napoli jersey on his Instagram account), he does what he wants, but I can assure you that he loves this jersey., he concludes with a slightly tense smile. Already experiencing sporting difficulties, Garcia would undoubtedly have preferred not to have an additional problematic case to manage.

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