OM, Longoria’s shattering announcement!


By: Manu Tournoux

During a press conference organized this Friday at 7 p.m., Pablo Longoria, president of OM, announced that he would continue his mission.

Pablo Longoria has decided. After receiving threats during a meeting organized Monday evening with the leaders of the supporter groups, the Olympian president and his teams, shocked by his alleged intimidation, put their future on hold. But after reflection, the Spanish leader, at the head of the Marseille club since November 2021, announced this Friday, during a press conference, that he remains in his post.

“This is simply unacceptable”

“I am speaking here as president of OM, this is why I summoned you hereLongoria first declared. I would like to congratulate the team for the character shown yesterday in Amsterdam. I have complicated days. I spoke this week from the heart. I am speaking today in the costume of the president of OM. I will not go into what happened on Monday, it is simply unacceptable and it is the consequence of a series of events that I mentioned. I was touched all week by the affection I received, employees, players, supporters… Everyone who understood the need for change. »

“So I asked my lawyers to file a complaint”

Very emotional throughout his speech, the Spanish leader also confided that he was going to file a complaint. “Today I had a very long conversation with Frank McCourt and the supervisory board, they showed me unconditional support, he assured. All this support warms my heart. It gives me a lot of energy. I will be in Paris on Sunday. In life, I am a person of values, of very strong convictions. I can’t just denounce a situation, I have to get to the bottom of things and what I think. So I asked my lawyers to file a complaint about what happened. This is not about fueling conflict. No. I just want to stop the behavior so this type of situation doesn’t happen again in the future. It’s my responsibility. »

“I am going to begin the most difficult period of my mandate”

And to conclude his speech: “There is still a lot of work to be done. I am aware that we can improve. We still have to progress. I am aware that I am going to begin the most difficult period of my mandate as president, with many potentially unpleasant situations. But I remain firm and determined to continue my mission. This is a new stage in this period of transformation. To accomplish this, I need the support of everyone who loves the club. We must come out bigger and put an end to the practices I denounced. Next week, I will begin to bring together a certain number of local actors to carry out my mission. We have to change things together. I consider it very important to broaden the debates so that what happened on Monday is no longer accepted, neither here nor elsewhere in the world of sport. »

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