Italy, Monza: Pablo Mari’s attacker has been convicted!


By: Manu Tournoux

Victim of a violent knife attack that occurred in a shopping center in the Milan region a little less than a year ago during his loan to Monza from Arsenal, Pablo Mari has fortunately resumed his football career since . Having become a permanent player for the club located a few kilometers from the Lombard capital this summer, the central defender also learned, this Monday, of the sentence pronounced by the Italian justice system against his attacker, Andrea Tombolini.

The 47-year-old man, who attacked six people in October 2022, killing one of them, was sentenced to 19 years and 4 months in prison following his trial, as reported by the Italian press. This is also the maximum sentence required by the prosecution in charge of this case. The transalpine press also specifies that Pablo Mari’s attacker, who reportedly suffers from psychiatric disorders, will remain in house arrest until his conviction is confirmed before a new assessment to determine possible incarceration.

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