Pogba “at fault”, Laure Boulleau is worried


By: Manu Tournoux

For Laure Boulleau, Paul Pogba’s positive testosterone test could well lead to a very complicated career path for him.

After a series of physical problems and extra-sporting setbacks, Paul Pogba finds himself facing another problem following his positive test for testosterone. A very complicated new situation for the international tricolor and an episode which caused a lot of reaction. If many members and executives of the French team have given him unfailing support, others are more reserved, like his club Juventus. As for Laure Boulleau, she did not hide her concern.

Questioned on Sunday about the situation of “la Pioche”, the consultant of Channel Football Club expressed her feelings and she began by discussing the duration of the suspension that Pogba could fear. “ Four years, I admit that it would not be a huge blow, it would be a big blow. But if it’s a year’s suspension, I think he can bounce back. » Then Laure Boulleau spoke of her fears on a more personal level of the life of Paul Pogba.

“Juve doesn’t have much interest in keeping him”

I’m more worried about his personal situation because there, it’s no longer a matter of chaining them (the problems). He will have to find a club behind him, because I don’t think Juventus will take the risk of keeping him, in terms of his image.. » And the former Paris Saint-Germain player finally delivers her verdict. “ He made a mistake, it happens to everyone. I rather believe him, on the fact that he didn’t do it on purpose. Afterwards, he will still play football again.

In any case at Juventus according to the consultant. “ He’s hurt all the time right now. I think Juve don’t have much interest in keeping him. Even the fans won’t defend him. » Paul Pogba will, whatever happens, have to arm himself with courage and patience in the face of this new episode.

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