The Grosso option validated by an OL legend


By: Manu Tournoux

A former great OL player believes that Fabio Grosso is the best choice OL could make for the vacant coaching position.

Barring a last minute surprise, OL should rely on Fabio Grosso as their new coach after parting ways with Laurent Blanc. The Italian would return home 14 years after leaving as a player.

“Basically, a crazy class”

The Grosso solution is not really unanimously accepted outside. Voices have been raised to highlight the lack of experience of the 2006 world champion. On the other hand, internally, everyone agrees that it is a very good idea.

Among those who welcomed Grosso’s signing was former club player Grégory Coupet. Having been a teammate of the Italian, he believes the latter has the passion needed to succeed in the role. “It’s perhaps a less high-sounding name than that of Gattuso but Fabio played in Ligue 1, he speaks French, he left an incredible image at OL, he began by confiding on RTL. Rémi Garde or Bruno Génésio, with their love for the club, invested 200%. Fabio followed Olympique Lyonnais. He is aware of everything that is happening. The club needs a person who reassures, who brings back Lyon’s identity. When you survey the medical staff, the managers and all the people around the club, everyone says that Fabio at OL would be great! For once, I’m glad Mr. Textor listened to the club. »

Coupet then revealed what made Grosso special as a footballer and also as a person. “We discovered a boy who was just extraordinary in his humility. Very discreet and crazy classy. A fine tactician too. He was always in important tactical setup conversations. He gave his opinion and we consulted him regularly. He was very interesting. I even bought his jersey at auction because I really like the player.”

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