Zidane is making the buzz! The world in shock


By: Manu Tournoux

The French football icon has fueled debate on social networks in recent hours. His biggest fans stepped up to the plate. Explanation.

Don’t touch Zinédine Zidane. Under penalty of falling into blasphemy. The icon’s detractors have often observed this, both in his life as a footballer and during his coaching career. Considered one of the greatest players of all time, Zizou inspired an entire generation with his talent and charisma. So when his impact is not recognized at its true value, the biggest fans of the former number 10 do not hesitate to step up to the plate.

Establishing a ranking of the best players in history is a perilous exercise. However, this is the challenge that GDC tried to meet. With uncertain success, depending on your point of view. This media published this Thursday its ranking of the 100 greatest footballers in history. And that’s when Zidane’s name started trending on the social network X.

Zidane “was not respected”

HAS To everyone’s surprise, Zidane does not appear in the 10th of the ranking since he is cited in 12th position, behind the Spaniard Xavi Hernandez (6th), the Italian Paolo Maldini (9th) or the German Gerd Müller (11th). ). It did not take much for some observers to take offense, considering that this classification is “ a lack of respect » for the former playmaker of the France team.

And in this little game, his predecessor in Blue Michel Platini was not better off since he was ranked 14th, despite his 3 Ballons d’Or and his Euro won at a time when he appeared as the main competitor of Diego Maradona in the hierarchy of world football.

Other elements of this ranking have appealed to football aficionados. Maradona, in fact, is not on the podium. If Lionel Messi is number 1, Cristiano Ronaldo is placed just behind Pulga, thus ahead of King Pelé. The influential Johan Cruyff only appears in 7th position behind former teammate Neymar (44th). It should also be noted that Karim Benzema and Kylian Mbappé appear in 85th and 86th rank…

With its subjectivities and sensitivities, this tendency to classify the greatest footballers in history has continued to unleash passions…

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