Verratti ejected by PSG, Laure Boulleau loses her temper


By: Manu Tournoux

The former footballer, Laure Boulleau, already regrets the departure of her favorite at PSG, Marco Verratti.

After eleven years of good and loyal service, Marco Verratti was asked to find a new club this summer. PSG no longer needs him and at only 30 years old he finds himself forced to go into exile in the Gulf and more precisely in Qatar. A sad ending which particularly saddened Laure Boulleau.

“Verratti loved PSG deeply”

The former Paris player expected a completely different outcome for the man who was one of the emblems of PSG for many years. “It’s sad to see him leave, especially for a championship that we can’t watch and isn’t very attractive. We won’t see any of his matches”she lamented during the Canal Football Club show.

Boulleau is not the only one to have been shocked by the way in which Paris got rid of its Italian strategist. This is also the case for Sydney Govou. “We have to ask ourselves the question of the exit. Players who are the identity of the club. To go out like this is sad. Already because I love this player and also because he is someone who represented PSG. Verrati was Paris. He spoke French. We can blame him all we want, but there are more worthy exits. We have the impression that he is paying for everything that PSG failed to achieve and that bothers me.”

Verratti became undesirable due in particular to his lack of rigor in his work. Boulleau does not accept this excuse. “ It’s sad because he’s a great player and a super charming man. We talk about his lifestyle, but he has always respected the club. He loved PSG deeply. I would have liked to see him at the club longer, even as a substitute. In the Champions League, when we lead 2-0 for example, I would have been happy to have had him to keep the ball.”

An analysis shared by Mickael Landreau, another former PSG player. “I would have liked to keep him, because next to him there are midfielders who are more powerful like Zaire-Emery and Ugarte. In the use of the ball, Verratti was extraordinary and he never hid”.

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