Paul Pogba’s heartfelt cry


By: Manu Tournoux

Despite the difficulties he faces, the French midfielder of Juventus Turin, Paul Pogba, does not plan to give up.

Prey to recurring physical problems, Paul Pogba (30 years old) continues his journey through the desert. A difficult phase for the Juventus midfielder who experienced the heights with the Blues and revealed himself to Europe in the Bianconero jersey. Present during an interview with the Qatari television channel, Al Jazeera, The deck assured that he did not want to give up.

“I just want to be with normal people”

“I want to show people that I’m not weak. They can say bad things about me, I will never give up. (…) In football more than anywhere else, you can accomplish something great. And the next day, you’re no one anymore.”explained the 2018 world champion.

And the native of Lagny-sur-Marne added: “Money changes people… It can break up a family. This can start a war. Sometimes I was alone and I thought, ‘I don’t want to have any more money. I don’t want to play anymore. I just want to be with normal people, so they love me for me, not for fame, not for money.’ Sometimes it’s difficult »did he declare.

As a reminder, the native of Lagny-sur-Marne was the victim of an extortion attempt linked to the conflict which pitted him publicly against his brother Matthias Pobga last year. And within this affair, the former Mancunian had also been the subject of accusations of harassment against his Blues teammate, Kylian Mbappé.

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