Jean-Michel Aulas knocks out Textor


By: Manu Tournoux

After attacking John Textor for defamation, Jean-Michel launched legal proceedings to seize the accounts of OL. The former president justified himself.

The war of words is declared between Jean-Michel Aulas and John Textor, while the relationship between the two is at a standstill. A few hours after Textor’s statements to the press accusing JMA of having concealed from him the concerns of the DNCG on the finances of Olympique Lyonnais during the sale process, the ex-boss of Les Gones was quick to reply. .

Yesterday, Aulas decided to file a defamation suit against John Textor and his company Eagle Football. After having obtained the freezing of 14.5 M€ on the accounts of OL, the French sports leader justified his position during an interview granted to The Team. The businessman assures that this legal procedure did not target OL, but Eagle, the group owned by the American.

“OL is not Textor”

To everyone who says I’m bashing the club I built for 36 years, including Santiago Cucci (the current executive director of the club, Editor’s note): Fortunately, OL is not just a few months of management by Cucci and Textor. Olympique Lyonnais is not Textor. It’s not Cucci. I know my club, I know my supporters. I know that they are not going to take the wrong side and let themselves be fooled between someone who has dedicated 36 years of his life to this club and who will always be loyal to it, and a foreign investor whose interests are between Brazil, the United Kingdom, Belgium and the Rhône… but the heart nowhere”, did he let go. In any case, JMA does not intend to stop there.

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