Henry coach of Hopes, a former Blue “disappointed”


By: Nicolas Gerbault

In competition with Thierry Henry for the post of coach of the France Espoirs team, Sabri Lamouchi did not hide his disappointment at not having been chosen.

The official announcement fell on Monday, after the Comex meeting of the French Football Federation: Thierry Henry will be the next coach of the France Espoirs team. The former tricolor international signed a two-year contract, that is until June 2025, with the FFF and will notably aim to win a medal in a year, during the Paris Olympic Games.

Thierry Henry was the big favorite of the senior leaders of the FFF, namely its president Philippe Diallo, the head of selections within the Comex, Marc Keller, and the national technical director, Hubert Fournier. A choice that inevitably made some disappointed among the competitors of “Titi” to occupy the position of coach of the Blueberries, like Sabri Lamouchi.

“I thought I had the profile”

“I’m disappointed, but I had the tendency and I wasn’t surprised, thus entrusted the former Blue (12 selections, 1 goal) to the newspaper The Team. I am happy to have been a candidate, to have carried my project to the end. I thought I had the profile to lead this selection and I still think so. It’s not because I was not chosen that I am less good. My profile caught the attention of Marc Keller, Philippe Diallo and Hubert Fournier (national technical director). Our relations have been cordial and constructive. I knew I was in the final. Well, that’s how it is. I agree to lose. There was only one possible winner. »

As a reminder, in addition to Sabri Lamouchi, Thierry Henry was in competition with Julien Stéphan and Jocelyn Gourvennec.

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