Javier Tebas blasts Manchester City


By: Manu Tournoux

LaLiga president Javier Tebas has praised Sevilla despite losing the European Super Cup final and again criticized Man City’s business model.

Javier Tebas can’t stop. The LaLiga leader persists with his remarkable media outings to tackle clubs from different leagues. Once again, the Spaniard has targeted Manchester City. Indeed, Tebas wanted to congratulate Sevilla FC after their great match last night in the European Super Cup final, lost on penalties against Man City, while attacking the English club.

The president praised the Sevillian club. “The message from Sevilla FC in recent days against the ominous birds is impressive. The sustainability, hard work and competitiveness of your league show up strongly against a football model marked by deficit and excess. Congratulations and thank you for the excellent image you have offered!”he wrote on Twitter.

Tebas against the “State clubs”

As a reminder, Javier Tebas is firmly opposed to “State clubs”, as he calls them, in particular PSG, Newcastle and Manchester City, which represent Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates respectively. The Spanish football boss even recently filed a complaint against Paris Saint-Germain before the European Commission and concerning PSG’s financing mechanisms, “which seriously distort the internal market of the European Union (EU)”.

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