Cherki lets out a huge rant


By: Manu Tournoux

At the end of the defeat of OL in Strasbourg, Sunday evening, at the end of the 1st day of L1, Rayan Cherki raised his voice.

Things are off to a bad start for OL… Traveling to Strasbourg on Sunday evening, for the first round of the 2023-2024 Ligue 1 season, Les Gones lost 2-1. A defeat that Laurent Blanc’s men could have avoided if they had been less clumsy in the last gesture. After the meeting, Rayan Cherki wanted to already sound the alarm with a strong message sent to his teammates.

Read also: Ligue 1: The results Ligue 1: The ranking

“There is a lot of disappointment. We’re tired of suffering every time like this, thus deplored the international Espoirs at the microphone of Prime Video. I want to say that it is neither the fault of the staff, nor the fault of the coach, it is us on the ground. After a while, we put the right ingredients each time at the start of the match. Each time, there is always a small mistake, something that prevents us from winning matches. Today, the disappointment is immense. It’s anger, disappointment, we worked for a month and a half for most of the players for this match… ”

“We must be at the top, period”

And Rayan Cherki to add a layer: “Each time this little detail is missing which means that we have to fold the match in 5 minutes, it always turns against us. (…) We will have to be much more solid defensively. It’s not a new Rayan Cherki you see, it’s just that I’m tired of always coming after matches and saying ‘it’s a shame, that’s how it is’. We are Olympique Lyonnais, we must be at the top, period. » On good terms…

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