Blue, a big doubt confirmed


By: Team French Football Weekly

The French women’s team plays its World Cup quarter-final against Australia on Saturday. Three steps from a potential coronation, the Blues are not everyone’s favorites.

Match after match, the French team trained by Hervé Renard takes its marks and refines its automatisms. After a complicated start to the 2023 World Cup, like the painful draw conceded at the start against Jamaica (0-0), Eugénie Le Sommer and her teammates are slowly gaining momentum. First out of their pool after beating Brazil (2-1) and dominating Panama (3-6), the French did not do in detail against Morocco in the round of 16 (4-0). Enough to approach the next round with confidence, even if this is not shared by everyone.

While waiting to attend this opposition scheduled for Saturday (09:00 am) against Australians who play at home and who beat them in a friendly on July 14 (0-1), the Blues still leave some doubts among some. For Ludovic Obraniak, for example, France is not necessarily one of the favorites for the final coronation. The channel consultant The Team expressed his mistrust, referring in particular to the premature elimination of the United States, Germany or even Brazil.

“If they pass Australia…”

There is still a slaughter of the favourites, the Brazilians, the Americans… I know Eric Blahic well who is in the staff (tricolor), so we feel that this team has been prepared to perform at this time of the competition and we feel they are getting better and better. But I think it’s still just because there are still customers. I am thinking in particular of the English. It’s not that simple. “The former LOSC was also followed in his thinking by Philippe Sanfourche. The journalist also expressed some reservations.

I remember that the first round was very mixed, launched the watcher. We didn’t mention the three goals against Panama, but that’s not very reassuring for the defensive balance. However, everything could change for the journalist in his way of seeing things. But on one condition: If they pass Australia, I would say to myself that it is OK Les Bleues know what they have to do.

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