Hervé Renard targeted, the “monstrous” messages against Mélissa Plaza


By: Team French Football Weekly

Following her criticism of Hervé Renard’s speech before the France-Brazil 2023 World Cup, Mélissa Plaza says she is undergoing a campaign of cyberbullying.

“It’s a speech in which the guy spends his time screaming, (…) If he is able to do that in front of the cameras, you have to imagine what he is able to do when the camera is not there (…). » If the opinions were generally (but not all) in favor of the speech made by Hervé Renard to his players before the meeting of the 2023 World Cup between France and Brazil (2-1), these words pronounced by Mélissa Plaza in SoFoot contrasted sharply with the rest. A position which is worth to the former tricolor international to undergo a real campaign of cyberharassment.

Mélissa Plaza denounced this by posting a long message on her social networks on Tuesday. ” For the past few days, and simply for having shared my opinion on a chat, I have been subjected to massive and monstrous cyberbullying. “However, the young woman wanted to maintain her words. ” An opinion that you may not share, but which nevertheless remains the fruit of my experience, my research, my daily commitments. Know that I have always had the courage of my ideas and that the mockery, the insults, the threats that you utter against me (…) only prove one thing to me: French society is fiercely attached to its misogyny.

“There will be consequences”

Then the native of Saint-Gaudens again targeted Hervé Renard, evoking the remarks made by the tricolor coach in response to his first outing: “ Hervé Renard thinks I’m doing this for the buzz. It’s very bad to know me. Who would want that life? Open your networks and come across hundreds of messages like the ones you see above? Who dreams of this life? What human can stand that? “And the former midfielder concludes:” There will be consequences. But I want you to know one thing: ‘hate and contempt will only ever be the cement of my writings!‘”

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