Women’s football and vegan sausage, the scandalous comparison


By: Manu Tournoux

While the 2023 World Cup is a hit in terms of attendance, some are still not convinced by women’s football. And sometimes in unfriendly terms.

Since it started on July 20 on the side of Australia and New Zealand, the Women’s Football World Cup has been a huge hit. The public is at the rendezvous and the stadiums are regularly and largely filled. However, some observers are still not convinced by the spectacle offered to them. It is in particular from the former German player Dieter Schatzschneider, who did not take gloves to give his clear opinion.

Using an unflattering image, the one who remains to this day the player who has scored the most goals in the German second division (154 in 200 games), therefore raised the subject, in remarks relayed by Mundo Deportivo. ” No, I’m not a fan of women’s football. “And to add as a sign of appeasement:” I love women from the bottom of my heart, they can play and do whatever they want, no problem.

“My body rejects vegan food”

But the sixty-five-year-old man, who now serves as a recruiter for the Hanover 96 club, then set foot in the dish. ” But I don’t like it. It’s like talking about a vegan sausage. And my body rejects vegan food. Anyone can eat vegan, but it doesn’t do me any good. “With the premature elimination of Germany from the group stage, Dieter Schatzschneider will therefore not have to force himself further. His remarks, however, caused a lot of reaction on social networks.

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