PSG: Milan Skriniar reassures about his physical condition


By: Manu Tournoux

This summer, Paris Saint-Germain has greatly strengthened. Especially in the midfield and in attack, with the potential arrival of Ousmane Dembélé. But it will take defense to win titles. For this, Milan Skriniar, landed from Inter Milan, should have a major role to play in the Parisian rearguard. In an interview for The Parisianthe 28-year-old central defender spoke about his state of health, he who has recently been embarrassed by many physical glitches.

He says about the state of his back: “Good, very good, don’t worry! On the restart, I trained with the team from day one, without any problems. I have already played two games with the national team, I have played with PSG, everything is fine! I’m back and without any problems.” The former interist nevertheless declares having doubted, during the period when he was not on the lawns: “Yes of course, this is the first time that this kind of thing has happened to me. I had never experienced a long-term injury before this one. So of course, a lot of questions went through my head. But the doctors did a good job and I never gave up, I worked hard to get back in shape. Now that’s it, this story is behind me. If Milan Skriniar wants to be reassuring, the Serb will have to prove himself – like everyone else – on the pitch. He, like Lucas Hernandez, has often been singled out lately for his numerous injuries, keeping him away from the green rectangle.

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