New rape charge against Premier League player


By: Manu Tournoux

Stupor in England! A few days after the end of Benjamin Mendy’s trial, a new extra-sports affair has just been revealed across the Channel. Indeed, the british press relays this Friday that another Premier League player is accused of rape by a young woman who wished to remain anonymous. The identity of the player involved in this case has also not been revealed. The alleged victim, 19 years old at the time, explains that the footballer, whom she has never met in the past, approached her in her own room during a party organized at her house, eight years ago.

“The next thing I remember is my roommate was back in my room, knocking on the door and saying, ‘What’s going on?’ »she explained in an interview with the DailyMail. In the process, the young woman revealed that the attack was entirely filmed by the footballer in question, then hastening to share the images with all the guests. The British media adds, however, that the young woman has not yet considered filing a complaint: “Honestly, why would I consider calling the police when I know how difficult it is to get a case through the Crown Prosecution Service. If the case goes to court, you are completely wiped out by a lawyer who makes you feel useless. The system is not there to protect victims of sexual violence. »

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