Cherki, Laurent Blanc’s pressure shot


By: Manu Tournoux

While his name appears regularly in the columns of the transfer section, Rayan Cherki received advice from Laurent Blanc.

Rayan Cherki, Bradley Barcola or Castello Lukeba: young Lyonnais shoots arouse many desires among European leaders. But according to their coach, a departure would be premature. This is the message sent by the former world champion after the defeat of Les Gones in a friendly on Wednesday against Manchester United.

“I say it frankly, I say it to these young players. They may not be 100% ready yet to go to big clubs, he explained at the microphone of Canal +. Let’s try to keep it for another year. That’s what I advocate, now, maybe I’m a little selfish, I see my interest, but I also see especially his. »

Let’s not forget that Cherki, six months ago, he had not chained three starting games with the first teamcontinued the Cevenol. He had a good second half of the season like Barcola, which was also very good for him. These young people, to go to the very, very high level… be careful. Being solicited is one thing, being able to impose yourself is another.

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