Gael Clichy reveals what differentiates Guardiola from Wenger


By: Manu Tournoux

Former French international, Gaël Clichy, cited the characteristics of two of his former coaches, Pep Guardiola and Arsène Wenger.

With a 14-year Premier League career, Gaël Clichy is one of the few players to have had the chance to evolve under the orders of Arsène Wenger and those of Pep Guardiola. For Goal Turkey, the one who has been performing for two years at Servette in Geneva, has agreed to provide a comparison between these two great technicians.

Guardiola luckier than Wenger

“They are two different generations. Arsène had two assistants and a goalkeeping coach. Pep had 8-9 coaches working with him, indicated the former tricolor international (20 selections). Today, details are very important. In the past, if you had the best player, you won most matches. Clubs with smaller budgets tried to make it difficult for the big guys. But today the money spent by the big clubs is very important in today’s football”.

Wenger is known for bringing more professionalism to English football, especially in terms of diet and invisible preparation. Clichy agrees, but he remains more impressed by the rigor of Guardiola: “Pep Guardiola had strict rules, but that’s very normal. For example, if you were two pounds heavier than normal, you weren’t training! You were just running around and working away from the team”.

After talking about his former coaches, Clichy also spoke about himself and his future plans. “My career is not over, I gave myself a few weeks, I have something in mind. For the past three years, I have been training to become a coach, I am thinking about my next project. If there is a good opportunity, I can play for another year. Otherwise, I will end my career and start coaching. After 21 years, at the rate of a match every 3 days. If I stop playing football, maybe I will have time to rest. I can regenerate, then I can start coaching, because football is my life. »

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